Have you ever wondered just what goes through a child's mind? Well, here's a little insight from one precocious little girl's point of view.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Abby is self-aware...

As I was scrolling through old posts, Abby decides to watch to see what I was doing. As I scrolled back up to the top, she sees the bottom of her photo in  the right sidebar. She says "Ooooh, I see a me coming up!"

Thursday, February 5, 2015

This would be our precocious little poppet at her current age. :)

Time passes and changes happen!

Well, since I last posted (a year ago AGAIN), there have been many changes in our lives. Abby is growing (not by much) and is coming up with new things each and every day. It is my intention to pick back up with this blog and keeping up with it in order to share with you all her crazy little sayings. Trust me, you will not be disappointed as you follow along on the journey that is the world of Abby with me. :)